Sunday, August 9, 2009

Change is Coming

Jason and I have talked a lot about worship styles since we've been married, because we grew up in different denominations that worship a bit differently. These conversations, along with some good music, have influenced my worship by broadening my comfort level with a style from which I had shied away when I was younger. It also seems to be leading to a change for us, which has been hard for me to think about. Last night we attended a church service at a church we had never been to before. There was a violin solo playing "Great Is Thy Faithfulness," then the congregation began to sing the song. It was very moving, and I started thinking about the fact that God is unchanging. However, styles of worship change, and He is OK with that. Throughout the centuries people have praised Him with the style of music that was popular or "contemporary" for that time period. There seems to be such resistance by some people that you can worship with a contemporary sound or style. It's not just the sound or style, but the energy and enthusiasm about what you're singing that we are considering. People just aren't seeming to get it.

I've been trying to contemplate what exactly about the probable change we're looking at is hard for me. I think it's comfort, overall. I'm comfortable where I am, and I don't want to make a change, even if that change could ultimately be for the better. I'm scared of the unknown, and what the ramifications of making the change could be. And that just leads to the norm when it comes to worrying about something--I am trying to figure it all out now, rather than let God be in control and see how things fall into place. My emotions just get in the way and cause me to forget that this is what I believe God is bringing in my life. But, thankfully, He is unchanging, and that means that He is faithful and more than enough to meet my needs.

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